AdaMarie Privacy Policy

Updated August 9, 2024

  1. Scope of this Privacy Policy

This privacy notice applies to information AdaMarie collects or uses on websites, website applications, and mobile applications owned or controlled by AdaMarie, Inc., including, or affiliated companies (collectively "AdaMarie" herein referred to as “AdaMarie” “we” “us” and “our”). Affiliated companies are entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with AdaMarie, Inc. This Privacy Notice is incorporated into the AdaMarie Terms of Use.

  1. Definitions

Employers means both employers and recruiters who are seeking employees.

Processors means those parties that process personal data on AdaMarie’s behalf. This includes entities that help us deliver our products and services to you, including but not limited to our web servers and site databases, analytics, marketing assistance, customer management tools, payment processing services, providing customer service, advertising, and resume writing tools.

Resume and CV have the same meaning.

Third Parties as Required by Law means entities that must receive information because of a legal obligation. This includes both government agencies and law enforcement pursuant to a lawful request. Information may be shared with these parties to protect the rights or property of AdaMarie and our affiliated companies, investigate fraud, prevent crime, protect national security, or to protect the personal safety of users or the public. AdaMarie will take reasonable steps to share the minimum information necessary.

Capitalized terms not defined in this Privacy Notice are as defined in the AdaMarie Terms of Use.

The scope of this Privacy Notice does not cover Personal Information collected for the purposes of processing applicants to AdaMarie for direct or contract employment, managing AdaMarie employees, and administering AdaMarie benefits. Relevant Privacy Notices are provided at the time of collection for those specific purposes.

  1. Information AdaMarie Collects, Processes, Uses, and Stores

AdaMarie collects personal information to:

●        operate AdaMarie Services;

●        contact and communicate with you when you contact us;

●        analyze, improve, and optimize AdaMarie Services;

●        protect AdaMarie Services and the rights of Users and others; and

●        enforce terms of AdaMarie’s Services and prevent fraud and abuse of AdaMarie Sites and systems.

AdaMarie collects information the following ways:

●        when you use our AdaMarie Sites and applications. We receive and store this information when you enter it on our websites, send it to us, or provide it to us in any other way;

●        automatically when you visit our sites or use our mobile applications; and

●        if you are located in the United States, we may collect information about you from publicly available websites or third-party providers.

By registering with AdaMarie, managing your Profile, publicly posting information, or opting-in when presented with choices, you have consented for us to use your personal information in the following ways:

a.       Identifiers


Name, email address, and phone number.

How is the Personal Information Used?

·       to create a profile

●        provide AdaMarie Services

●        send job alerts, newsletters, career advice, or other marketing communications

●        inform you of other products or services available from AdaMarie or its affiliates

●        conduct surveys, promotions and contests, and to publish the results thereof

●        to make suggestions and draw inferences about you

●        to give search engines access to public information

●        to conduct analytics and generate internal reports about the use of our sites and applications

●        detect, investigate and prevent fraud and/or activities that may violate our policies or be illegal

How is the Personal Information Collected?

●        from you when you create a Profile

●        from publicly available information or third-party providers

●        from AdaMarie Users who share our site content with you

Who Does AdaMarie Share Your Information With?

●        employers

●        third parties as required by law

●        service providers

b.       Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity


Internet protocol (IP) address, internet service provider (ISP), browser type and device ID, operating system, date/time stamp, location, and/or clickstream data

How is the Personal Information Used?

●        provide personalized, targeted, or approximate location-based content, services, and advertising from AdaMarie and third parties

●        detect, investigate and prevent fraud and/or activities that may violate our policies or be illegal

●        make suggestions and draw inferences about you

●        give search engines access to public information

●        conduct analytics and generate internal reports about the use of AdaMarie Sites and applications

●        track which jobs you search for, view, and apply

●        to manage customer accounts

How is the Personal Information Collected?

●        automatically when you use our site or applications

●        from publicly available information or third-party providers

Who Does AdaMarie Share Your Information With?

●        third parties as required by law

●        service providers

c.       Professional or Employment-Related Information


Information used to create a profile and to apply to jobs on AdaMarie including resume, work history, education level.

How is the Personal Information Used?

●        provide AdaMarie Services

●        to send job alerts, newsletters, career advice, or other marketing communications

●        inform you of other products or services available from AdaMarie or its affiliates; conduct surveys, promotions and contests, and to publish the results thereof

●        provide personalized services, and advertising from AdaMarie and third parties

●        make suggestions and draw inferences about you

How is the Personal Information Collected?

●        from you when you create a profile

Who Does AdaMarie Share Your Information With?

●        employers

●        third parties as required by law

●        service providers

d.       Inferences that can Create a Profile About You


Your activity on AdaMarie Sites, including the jobs you search for, view, and apply to, and the files viewed on our sites, e.g., HTML pages, graphics, etc.

How is the Personal Information Used?

●        provide AdaMarie Services

●        send job alerts, newsletters, career advice, or other marketing communications

●        inform you of other products or services available from AdaMarie or its affiliates

●        conduct surveys, promotions and contests, and to publish the results thereof

●        provide personalized services, and advertising from AdaMarie and third parties

●        make suggestions and draw inferences about you

●        give search engines access to public information

●        conduct analytics and generate internal reports about the use of our sites and applications

●        track which jobs you search for, view, and apply

How is the Personal Information Collected?

●        automatically when you use our site or applications

●        from publicly available information or third-party providers

●        from third party sites when you sign into AdaMarie using another site like Facebook

Who Does AdaMarie Share Your Information With?

●        employers

●        third parties as required by law

●        service providers

e.       Financial Information


Credit card number and billing information for services requiring payment

How is the Personal Information Used?

●        process financial transactions for pay-services

How is the Personal Information Collected?

●        from you when you purchase a paid service from AdaMarie

Who Does AdaMarie Share Your Information With?

●        third parties as required by law

●        service providers

f.        Business Records


Company name, company contact(s) name and contact information, business financial records, confidential business information, recordings of phone calls with AdaMarie

How is the Personal Information Used?

●        manage business relationships with AdaMarie Users

●        provide support to customers and jobseekers

●        for training purposes to improve sales and service

How is the Personal Information Collected?

●        from customers and/or vendors engaged in a business relationship with AdaMarie

●        from you when you call AdaMarie Customer Service

Who Does AdaMarie Share Your Information With?

●        third parties as required by law

●        service providers

g.       Sensitive Personal Information as Defined by Applicable Law


Government issued identification such as Social Security numbers or passports; financial account, debit card, or credit card numbers in combination with login credentials; account login credentials allowing access to the account; precise geolocation; information about racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, or union membership; contents of User’s mail, emails, or text messages, unless the business is the intended recipient; genetic data; information concerning a User’s health, sex life, or sexual orientation; and biometric information used for the purpose of uniquely identifying a consumer

How is the Personal Information Used?

●        to process tax requirements associated with contest and/or sweepstakes winners

How is the Personal Information Collected?

●        from you when you provide a W9 in connection with a sweepstakes and/or contest

Who Does AdaMarie Share Your Information With?

●        third parties as required by law

●        service providers

h.       Automated Processing

AdaMarie may perform automated processing of your Personal Information to analyze and predict your preferences and interests. In some circumstances, automated processing is necessary for us to provide our services to job seekers and employers. For example, automated processing allows us to match job seekers with employers effectively, to provide job seekers with job alerts and recommended jobs, to send job seeker applications to employers, to display search results, administer employer questions, and to perform certain spam and fraud detection activities to protect our users. AdaMarie does not make decisions based solely on automated processing.

  1. Retention Period and Resume Visibility/Security

AdaMarie will retain your personal information for five (5) years after the last time you interact with our services at which time it will be automatically deleted from our systems unless we are legally required to keep it longer. You may request that AdaMarie delete your data at any time by submitting a Personal Data Request. See the section entitled Your Privacy Rights for more information.

Resume Visibility and Security: Some of our products and services, such as our resume and profile databases, enable third parties to see your personal data and to contact you. Information you post in public areas of AdaMarie Sites or applications or make visible in the resume and profile database may be accessed, used, and stored by others around the world, including those in countries that might not have legislation that guarantees adequate protection of personal data as defined by your country of residence. While AdaMarie takes measures to safeguard your information from unauthorized access or inappropriate use, AdaMarie does not control these third parties and we are not responsible for their use of information you post.

When you create or post a resume, we store it in our resume and profile databases in the United States.  If you agree for your profile to be added to the AdaMarie resume database, then your resume, email and/or phone number will be visible to AdaMarie clients who have access to the resume database.  If you do not so agree, then potential employers will only be able to see the information that you provide to the employer directly by applying to their jobs.

We cannot control the retention, use or privacy of resumes that have been viewed or downloaded by others. You should not post sensitive information about yourself, for example gender, marital status, health data, or any other information you would not want made public, such as your address or phone number, to any AdaMarie Site or application or to any public website. You may adjust your settings at any time by signing into your AdaMarie account and removing your selection under “I Agree for my Profile to Be Added to the AdaMarie Resume Database”   and your profile and resume will no longer be visible in AdaMarie's resume and profile database. You may still use your private resume to apply online to a job. If you apply with a private resume, it will be transferred to the relevant employer, who may retain a copy of it.

If you apply for a job and provide your contact information to express interest in a job at a potential employer website or posting, or if you respond to a communication from an employer, you understand that you will be sharing your information directly with the relevant employer and all communications and correspondence with the potential employer will be subject to their privacy policies.

We attempt to limit access to our resume and profile databases to legitimate Users but cannot guarantee that other parties will not gain access to these databases. Once your resume has been disclosed, AdaMarie is not able to retrieve it from the third parties who accessed it. Accordingly, you should not put sensitive information, personality profiles, or other information you would not want made public in your resume or profile.

If your resume includes the personal data of a reference, it is your responsibility to ensure that the person is aware that you have provided their details and that person has consented for you to do so.

You are responsible for keeping your username and password secret.

The security of your personal data is important to us. We utilize a variety of safeguards to protect the personal data submitted to us, both during transmission and once it is received. AdaMarie takes appropriate measures to secure your personal data from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration, or disclosure.

You should be aware that resumes and profiles may be monitored by your current employer.

When you place an order online at AdaMarie, your credit card information is encrypted with industry standard encryption.

AdaMarie is not intended for, nor do we knowingly collect information from, children under the age of 16.

  1. Cookies and Digital Advertising

Our Services include the display of personalized products, content, and advertising relating to your career experience and interests. We use data we have about you to determine whether you might be interested in the opportunities, products, or services of a particular third party. We show you targeted ads online. These ads are targeted based on information we collect about you and information about you that we acquire from third parties including public websites and data providers. Please see your account notification settings to customize the notifications you receive by signing into your account. Please review the Your Privacy Rights section of this Privacy Notice for more options, as well as clicking on the Network Advertising Initiative Opt-Out.

Cookies: AdaMarie and its partners use cookies on the AdaMarie sites to analyze trends, administer websites, track users' movements around the website, and to gather demographic information about our users. Cookies help personalize and maximize your use of our site, including storing user preferences, improving search results and ad selection, and tracking user trends. You can control your cookies at the browser level, but if you choose to disable cookies, it may limit your use of certain features or functions on our website or service. You may also choose to allow certain cookies by making selections in our cookie management tool.

AdaMarie uses the following types of cookies:

●        Essential/Strictly Necessary: cookies to operate essential features of our website, including securing your access to your account. Without these cookies, the website cannot function properly.  You cannot opt-out of these cookies.

●        Analytics: cookies that track traffic patterns so we can identify popular content, potential problems, and perform analytics.

●        Functional: we use these cookies to enable non-essential features on our website, such as testing new features, storing your preferences, displaying job search results, and tracking jobs you search for, view, and apply to so we can show you other comparable employment opportunities.

●        Advertising: cookies that show you advertising on AdaMarie and third-party websites.

Some cookies will remain on your computer after you have left our site. Security cookies will remain for 60 days after your last visit. Poll response cookies will remain for 90 days, and AdaMarie cookies relating to advertisements and site notices will remain for up to two years, unless you choose to delete them.

We allow other companies to display advertisements to you while you are using our sites and applications. When this happens, these companies can view, edit or set their own cookies, just as if you had requested a web page from their site. The cookies placed by these third parties could remain on your computer after you have left our site for up to 20 years unless you choose to delete them. You can opt out of third-party cookies by setting your browser to decline cookies or using our cookie consent tool. If you delete your cookies in your computer, your opt-out cookie will also be deleted. If you change computers or web browsers, you will need to opt out again.

AdaMarie uses web beacons (sometimes called pixels) and JavaScript. We may receive confirmation when you open an email from AdaMarie if your computer supports this type of program. AdaMarie uses "Flash cookies", also known as "Local Shared Objects", to preserve video player settings and for security purposes. You can adjust your settings for your Flash cookies.

AdaMarie’s Site includes social media features, widgets, conversion APIs, and pixels such as the “Facebook Like” button and “Share This” button, also known as the “Facebook Pixel”, (“Social Media Sites”). A Social Media Site will record your engagement with our content and actions taken. This Information may be linked to targeting/advertising activities, including building custom audiences. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy notice of the company providing them.

  1. Your Privacy Rights

You may access, update, or delete your profile at any time. To do so, sign into your account, go to your resume or profile, and make the desired changes. You must have a resume in order to have a candidate profile with AdaMarie, and removing your resume will require that you delete your profile.  You may also submit a Personal Data Request to AdaMarie and we will respond pursuant to applicable law. If you have a privacy-related question, please email to contact us.

We may retain your personal data even after you have closed your account if reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations (including law enforcement requests), meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, investigate security incidents, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce our User Agreement, or fulfill your request to “unsubscribe” from further messages from us. We will retain anonymized information after your account has been closed.

Some AdaMarie Employers may store their resume databases on AdaMarie servers. AdaMarie is a data processor for personal information received in this way. Requests regarding this information must be made to such customers. AdaMarie will cooperate as appropriate with requests from our customers to assist with such responses.

a.       Right to Request Access to Personal Information/Right to Know


You have the right to know whether AdaMarie has collected personal information from you. You may request that AdaMarie tell you:

●        The categories or specific pieces of personal information that AdaMarie has collected about you

●        the categories of sources where AdaMarie obtained personal information about you

●        the business purposes for which AdaMarie collects your personal information

●        the categories of third parties with which AdaMarie shares personal information

You may submit a Personal Data Request to obtain a copy of personal information AdaMarie has about you.

How to Exercise

You can submit two such access requests every 12 months here: Personal Data Request.

Before we grant you access to your personal information, we must verify your identity. If you do not successfully verify your identity, we may be unable to fulfill your request.

We will make commercially reasonable efforts to fulfill your request within 45 days; however, if we need more time, we may extend the time frame 45 days and notify you.

b.       Right to Request Deletion/Right to be Forgotten


You have the right to request that AdaMarie delete any of your personal information that AdaMarie has collected from you, with certain exceptions. We may refuse your request if we are required by law to keep the information, or if the law otherwise permits us to keep information. If we deny a request, we will tell you why the request was denied. Where required, we will instruct any service providers or third parties to delete your information.

How to Exercise

You can submit two such deletion requests every 12 months here: Personal Data Request.

Before we process your deletion request, we must validate the request. We may use a third-party to process request validation. If you do not successfully validate your request, we may be unable to fulfill your request.

We will make commercially reasonable efforts to fulfill your request within 45 days; however, if we need more time, we may extend the time frame an additional 45 days and notify you.

You may also delete your Job Seeker profile directly by signing into your account.

c.       Right to Correct Personal Information


In certain circumstances, you have the right to request correction of any inaccurate personal information.

How to Exercise

You can submit your request here: Personal Data Request.

Before we grant your request, we must verify your identity. We may use a third-party to process identity verification. If you do not successfully verify your identity, we may be unable to fulfill your request.

After verifying your identity and the validity of your request, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct your personal information, taking into account the nature of the information and the purposes of maintaining it.

You may also review and update your Job Seeker profile directly by signing into your account.

d.       Do Not Sell/Share Personal Information


You may have the right to direct AdaMarie not to sell your personal information to third parties. AdaMarie will not “sell” your personal information in the commonly understood sense, but certain state privacy laws define “sell” in unusual ways.

You may have the right to direct AdaMarie not to share your Personal Information with third parties for certain purposes such as behavioral advertising.

How to Exercise

Please email to exercise your rights under this notice.

e.       Limit the Use of Your Sensitive Personal Information


AdaMarie only collects sensitive personal information for employment purposes and to process taxes for contest/sweepstakes winners, as permitted by law. AdaMarie does not collect sensitive personal information, as defined by applicable law, for targeted advertising.

f.        Unsubscribe from AdaMarie Communications


Unsubscribe from AdaMarie email, text, and paper mail communications.

How to Exercise

Unsubscribe Link

There is no ID verification required.

g.       Right to Non-Discrimination


You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for exercising any of your rights.

How to Exercise

No action needed.

  1. General Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy notice, please contact us online or at:

Privacy Office

Ada-Marie, Inc.

6 Parkway North

Suite 100

Deerfield, IL 60015


AdaMarie may update this Privacy Notice to reflect changes in our information practices. If we make any material changes, we will notify you as required using the email specified in your account and/or by means of a notice on this website prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.