Mirrors: Katie Cooper, Environmental Scientist
The AdaMarie Mirrors reflect back to us the many roads (often winding, never smooth) to success! Real stories of real women to see yourself reflected in. At first, you’ll see Katie in this mirror, but eventually, we hope you’ll see yourself.
Welcome, Katie Cooper!
Environmental Scientist Katie Cooper reflects on her story of self-discovery and growth, emphasizing the importance of resilience, self-care, and pursuing one’s passions fearlessly.
Getting to Know You:
Field of Work: Environmental Science
Expertise In: Coastal Environments
Current Company: Coastal Protection Engineering
Job Title: Environmental Scientist
One-liner about what you’re working on: Ensuring that the environment is considered prior to development and navigating policy to ensure it is always considered.
Currently geeking out over: Living Shorelines! The use of native plants and natural substrates to stabalize shorelines while creating vital habitat.
STEM hero (alive or dead!): Hedy Lamarr
Tell us about your professional journey – how did you get where you are now?
I have recently started at this new position, but I had encountered many roadblocks getting my foot in the door for my first official role. I made it a point to join local organizations, participated in citizen science initiatives, and attended professional workshops to introduce myself to the community. I also showcased much of my work from my MS program as tangible evidence of my capabilities, which was very beneficial when I finally landed the perfect interview.
I was determined to create my own space if no one was offering the opportunities.
We’re also curious to know your personal story and upbringing. What has made you “you”?
I grew up in a national forest in Louisiana and also spent time on my great grandparents’ self-sustaining farm. These experiences gave me an innate sense of being connected to the environment around me. For my undergraduate, I studied biology and after, promptly moved to four different states and Japan. It was then that yoga entered my life, giving me a profound sense of purpose and connection to the people around me.
This cultivated my voice and allowed me to truly become a leader, leading me to establish my own community and travel all over Asia during my time in Japan. Once I returned to America, I was ready to put my career first. Trying to find the perfect connection between biology and the interconnectedness of yoga, I decided to pursue my Masters degree in Environmental Science. I finished my program and simultaneously achieved my goal of teaching yoga teachers. My journey has been an incredible one and one of my goals is to empower women around me, especially those in STEM.
We know that real life isn’t a smooth and linear journey. What was your initiating moment that led you to your calling - can you tell us about that moment, what helped you move forward, what you learned/discovered?
I have learned so many lessons over my years and it excites to me to know that I have so many more to learn.
The most profound though, was understanding that I have the power to make the conscious decision to fearlessly pursue my dreams, knowing the path will reveal itself to me.
You’re a working woman in a performance-driven industry. Where do you find balance?
I truly enjoy having a full plate but I know that I can only handle it if I am taken care of. Self-Care is a non-negotiable for me. Exercise, yoga, meditation, scheduled unproductive time.
If you were a scientific process or phenomenon, what would you be?
If I were a scientific phenomenon I would be sacred geometry. Patterns perfectly placed in nature sometimes completely unknown, proving that beauty is everywhere if you just look for it.