Mirrors: Tehya Blanks, Trauma Surgery Researcher

The AdaMarie Mirrors reflect back to us the many roads (often winding, never smooth) to success! Real stories of real women to see yourself reflected in. At first, you’ll see Tehya in this mirror, but eventually, we hope you’ll see yourself.

Welcome, Tehya Blanks!

Important words of wisdom from Trauma Surgery Researcher Tehya Blanks: “Never let the label “nontraditional student” discourage you. There is no set timeline for achieving your goals.”

Getting to Know You: 

  1. Field of Work: Research

  2. Expertise In: Everything Biology <3

  3. Current Company: Tulane School of Medicine

  4. Job Title: Trauma Surgery Researcher

  5. Currently geeking out over: Nicki Minaj’s Pink Friday Tour

Tell us about your professional journey – how did you get where you are now?

I graduated from Delgado Community College with a degree in Biological Sciences and am currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in biology at The University of New Orleans. I aim to further my education by receiving my masters in microbiology along with a certificate in biomedical science. My ultimate goal is to be a biomedical scientist. I got to where I am not by staying positive and working really hard.

Never let the label “nontraditional student” discourage you. There is no set timeline for achieving your goals.

We’re also curious to know your personal story and upbringing. What has made you “you”?

My upbringing was good. My mom worked in medical billing and coding, and my dad was a welder. They both encouraged me to attend college and become the first in our family to receive a degree. Growing up, I knew I wanted to deal with anything science-related. I love asking scientific questions about how organisms work!

We know that real life isn’t a smooth and linear journey. What was your initiating moment that led you to your calling - can you tell us about that moment, what helped you move forward, what you learned/discovered?

My first year of college, I decided to major in nursing. I knew it wasn’t something I wanted to do, but most of my peers were majoring in it. I ended up not finishing that nursing degree, which left me feeling so discouraged and I gave up hope. I came back home to Nola and took a 2-year break before I went back to community college. My professors there gave me the push to major in biology and it’s been such an incredible experience discovering all of the different career choices within the field.

You’re a working woman in a performance-driven industry. Where do you find balance?

I find balance by being around my friends. They keep me extremely motivated and happy. Or, simply staying home and playing video games.


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