Why Quiet Quitting May Boost Your Performance

Quiet quitting is the act of doing the bare minimum to get by and coast through your 9-to-5. While it can trigger an alarm bell for employers (or anyone using the workplace or other systems to control individual growth vs. nurture it), we at AdaMarie believe, if harnessed correctly, Quiet Quitting is actually a good thing… for everyone. Hear us out.

Many people discover that once they stop caring, they actually perform better. When you reclaim your energy for yourself, you are reclaiming your power. It’s a strange thing but when you stop caring so much, you actually are putting in a healthy boundary between you and your work. It’s not that you’re not caring, you begin caring the appropriate amount. 

When you tell your boss, “I’m sorry, I can’t make that deadline”, you are managing your energy flow and stepping into personal authority. This is something another person can sense. They can sense your personal power; they can sense your personal authority. It makes them think: “what is really essential for this person to do?” instead of just dumping their anxiety-list of tasks in your lap. Suddenly, non-essential items disappear from your to-do list. Suddenly, they speak to you in a different way. Suddenly, you are up for that promotion you’ve been hoping for.

Quiet Quitting can be a form of employing healthy boundaries.

Unless your boss is a Narcissist, asserting your boundaries is a form of self-empowerment that helps them to see, value, and respond to you in a healthy way. Giving more is not the way to get more. For things to flow with ease (for all), we have to be in an equal balance of give and get. So try it. Here’s what we predict. With Quiet Quitting, Bosses notice you. Colleagues respect you. Work that energizes you starts to flow your way, work that doesn’t disappears. Quiet Quitting might be the way to reclaim your energy and conversely, maybe even boost your performance. 

Sure, sometimes Quiet Quitting leads to real quitting. In taking back your power, you may realize you’re in the wrong environment - repeating a cycle of low self worth that you no longer need to live out. If that’s the case, take the plunge. Quitting from a place of power versus because you have no other option is a way of closing one door that wasn’t serving you, to open one that can. 

So if you’re Quiet Quitting, go ahead. Just make sure you’re doing it in a way where you’re not accepting that some part of you has died.

Instead, choose to live. Punch in / punch out.

Take back your energy, and redirect it to where you want to go.


Part 2: If Your Resume Were a Cake… Recipe for Success


Mirrors: Ivy Walker, Tech Founder