Building Better Teams

Many leaders want to build inclusive companies, but they don’t know where to start. AdaMarie gets you out from under the equity & inclusion overwhelm.

The AdaMarie Difference

Most organizations have followed the same formula for decades: (1) Recruit underrepresented employees, (2) Encourage them to lean in, (3) Conduct diversity trainings for the whole organization. This approach is outdated, ineffective, and has been proven to backfire in ways that can cause more harm than good.

Now that we know better, we can do better.

AdaMarie’s methods are different.

Backed by data around what actually works, we treat equity & inclusion like any other critical business function, providing services that are:

  • Action-Oriented

    No more vague directives to “increase a sense of belonging.” Our recommendations identify the exact steps you need to take to close opportunity gaps, and the change management guidance to implement best practices so that they actually “stick.”

  • Tailored

    Inclusion is not a one-size-fits-all template. Just as you respect the diversity of your employees, we respect the diversity of the employers we work with. After getting to know your employees and culture, we tailor a roadmap that honors where you’ve been and catalyzes growth that suits your goals.

  • Intersectional

    Gender is not binary and it does not exist in a silo. Many other facets of identity intersect with how gender impacts people in the workplace. AdaMarie’s intersectional method takes into account how race, age, neurodivergence, caretaker responsibilities, and disability status interact with gender in the workplace.


If you’ve been meaning to start your equity & inclusion journey but haven’t known where to begin, we’re here for you.

Equity Assessment

One of the bravest phrases we think a leader can say is, “We know we’re at the starting line, but we don’t know how to get started.” Our Equity Assessment will help you find a path forward. This composite assessment of employee experience and incorporation of best practices provides actionable insights, meaningful benchmarks, and a go-forward plan. Organizations learn exactly where they sit on a comprehensive equity maturity model, what’s going well, and how they can optimize processes to close opportunity gaps and ensure sustainable equity for all. We can customize our assessment to integrate with your current engagement survey or other equity & inclusion initiatives.

AdaMarie Approved

For those companies looking to partner on next steps, we offer the AdaMarie approval process. After completing an Equity Assessment, organizations partner with AdaMarie to optimize their processes for inclusion. Upon successful completion of their optimization roadmap, these organizations are publicly recognized as AdaMarie Approved, gaining access to excellent recruits, ongoing mentorship, and quarterly check-ins.


If you’ve already been investing in a focused approach to inclusion, and you just need some extra assistance diving deep in a particular area, we’re ready to help with that, too.

  • We offer workshops for employees at all levels of seniority. Examples of workshops include:

    • Language for Leaders: Often, what appear to be equity & inclusion opportunity gaps are actually communications gaps. Learn how to close them with inclusive language for leaders.

    • From Mentorship to Sponsorship: Make the most of mentorship, sponsor employees from different backgrounds than your own, and evolve from a mentor into a sponsor.

    • Equity: It’s Not Personal, It’s Systemic – What does a data-driven approach to equity & inclusion actually look like?

  • We can help implement best practices in any of the following areas:

    • Recruiting and Hiring: Debias your application process, optimize job descriptions for diverse audiences, interview for merit-based hires, and evolve your outreach strategy

    • Performance and Pay: How much transparency is enough? Optimize your performance evaluations and pay criteria against standards proven to retain talent.

    • Mentors and Sponsors: Match mentors with meaning, structure sponsorship for success.

    • Flexibility: How much is enough? Managing family leave and hybrid work.

    • Leadership: Setting representation targets, and promoting through a pipeline.

  • Sometimes you just need focused one-on-one time to problem-solve a complex equity & inclusion challenge. We’re here for weekly, monthly, quarterly or ad hoc advising on your most urgent DEI priorities.